The Tulsa Tribune from Tulsa, Oklahoma (2024)

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TU Hurricane ootball Set Downtown Quarterback club be lieve that this is the greatest team in modern Golden Hurri cane history and we want to 49a proper tribute to the players and coaches who have focused so much favorable attention on Tulsa 'When the rest of the world is entangled in confusion we believe it is a tribute to the American way of life that we can assemble with out fear and display our pride in the athletic prowess of our young men Young men who In a few months or a few years will be serv ing their country better as a result of the training they Have obtained at our McDowell con tinued Mark Patton vice president of the Quarterback club was named chairman of the ticket sales com mittee He will be assisted by A Hurley secretary of the club and Mrs Beryl Hanco*ck university business manager' Quarterbacks to Hold Dinner on ebruary 3 Plans for a "victory banquet" honoring members of the University variiy football squad champions of the Missouri Valley conference and the Sun bowl were announced this morning by Robert Mc Dowell president of the Downtown Quarterbacks club ebruary 3 has been selected as the date for the affair which will be held In the Crystal ball room of the Mayo hotel at 6:30 Tickets will be sold by mem bers of the Quarterbacks club and all fans Including women are in vited to attend Colored motion pictures of the Sun bowl game will be shown for the first time in Tulsa at the ban quet and the gigantic silver Sun bowl trophy as well as the Mis souri Valley conference trophy will be presented Player awards will be made fol lowing the dinner and three special awards will be presented to Tulsa players who have been voted out standing by Golden Hurricane squad members and coaches These special awards gold footballs set with rubies in the shape of a will be presented to the outstanding back field star the outstanding line man and to the man voted the most unselfish team player on the squad? This is the first time these spe cial awards have been given to Uni versity of Tulsa athletes and the plan wts suggested to Dr I Pontius president of the university by Head Coach Henry rnka as a morale builder for the players We? hope to build this vic tory banquet Into the largest football party ever held In President McDowell said "The if Wednesday January 21 1942 Martin attended a base ball banquet Tuesday night at Muskogee where Presi dent Joe Magota of the West association' club outlined plans for baseballin his city during the coming campaign He had Pepper as his guest and Pepper showed up weighing about 10 pounds less than when he cavorted so brilliantly in the Cardinal The Martin locks were receding and there was ft more calm and dignified bearing in the of the Oklahoman who made history with his daring exploits as a Redbird But Pepper stole the show from his equally illustrious contemporary Bill Terry now general manager of the Giant farm chain who also spoke on the fine program By Qack QhahoaL Managerial duties have quieted the Wild Horse of the Osage but still a pretty fair baseball salesman and he' still convinces an audience that the diamond game is just about the finest sport going We refer to Pepper MaHin former Cardinal flash who now manages the Sacramento club of the Pacific Coast league for the St Louis farm chain chiefs Elmer I bln In so much demand late ly az a publick speaker that I ain't had no time to speak I wuz over to Muskogee last nite tn a baseball ban quet but sech fel lers az Bill Terry an" Pepper Marlin took up so much tlm I rnndn't make my regular good banquet address an I no them peepul wuz highly disgruntled to Ila ten to them two guys A Martin admitted he had hia hand full for the 42 season and that the Coast league: be able to play at night going to start and I hope we finish he told the crowd of admirer aith In Baseball "The people need baseball for relaxation in times like these" Martin continued "Baseball definitely haa a place in the war time scheme of things in this co mtry We can fight hard work hard and then play some The president has told to 'Go and were going ahead with our program for this coming campaign is no game in the world to take the place of baseball in the heart and minds of the American sport public and we will be doing our part to maintain good morale by playing the game thia May Move to Muskogee Pepper told the crowd of baseball supporters that he may move to Muskogee in the near future He has been interested in a ranch near there ana will move nas family to Muskogee if he purchases the property you worry when handling a club of youy he was asked the hair just falling out because getting: was the Martin reply you know there 1 quite a lot on a fellows mind when he's trying to win in a league like the Coast circuit And maybe I hare slowed up some with muclpn my mind Terry also sjxjke on the interesting program expressed his optimism on the ability of baseball to go through He is interested in the Western Association because the Giants operate the club at ort Smith Tripe Expects to Take Loss CLEVELAND Jan Alva Bradley predicts that the Cleveland Indians are about to take it on the chin at the The Tribe president gave such a vivid picture of Bob eller in uni form and other war woes that he declared Cleveland attendance would drop 30 per "and you mark my word and see if mot right" Bradley took occasion of a dinner honoring Jeff Heath as the Indian's most valuable 1941 player to remark last night: think we will have done very well if we have 400000 to 500000 this He said last paid attendance ran a little above 700000 or well below previous unofficial estimates Silver Skates Entry Blank Here Is the official entry blank for The Tribune's ifth Annual Silver Skates Ice Carnival Put a check mark behind the event in which you wish to compete and mail or bring to The Tribune Sports Desk 4th floor of the World Building In case of relay teams please list all other members of team associated with your entry The junior division includes youngsters up to an( including 14 years of age events: One lap speed race Men Women Two lap speed race Men Junior Women our lap relay race Men Junior Women One lap backward race Men Junior Women One lap candle race Men Junior Women Carry puck with hockey stick Men Junior Women our lap speed race Meri only) Most graceful couple competition (points do not count In de tenning championship in any of the three divisions' Name Address Telephone Plan Army Benefit CONN By HUGH ULLERTON JR NEW YORK Jan (Wide Wonder how hard the col lege speed ups will affect semi pro baseball and the very minor leagues? A lot of college boys who have been playing summer ball likely will be performing for their alma mam mys this year if the all year sports programs go through accord ing to plan Art Rooney and Barney McGinley the Pittsburgh! fight promoters i already are plan 1 ning a big war benefit card for ext summer when they can stage it outdoors But it's to be built i round Billy Conn who may be in uniform by that time Voles for Vets ortner big leaguers seem to be doing all right In politic these days Office holders recently noted include City Councilman Billy Rogcll of Detroit Sheriff Rus Van Atta of Sussex county Bonus Wagner Just ap pointed a deputy sheriff in Pitts burgh and Jess Haines auditor of Montgomery county Ohio Hot Stove IVarrnttp No names are mentioned but the town of Mesa Ariz is very hopeful of landing one of the major league clubs that is scheduled to train on the Pacific Coast Central New York colleges may try night baseball this summer with the Syracuse Chiefs providing the park Considering the possibility ot twilight baseball in Boston the Post's Al Hirahberg brings up the possibility of triple headers starting at 1 and running right through to seven so workers On any shift could see at least nine Innings Cleaning the Cuff Hoss Trainer Tom Smith had been laid up because Mloland stepped on his foot and injured a toe so badly it had to be amputated Reporting the accident to lorida horsem*n the Tropical Park press department commented: "Smith at least had the satisfaction ol know ing Uvat the best horse in the barn and not a cheap plater was respon Gene Goodreault who went from Boston College to coach the Havana university footballers tells one about his Cuban quarter backs who learned the other team had doped out his signals When plays failed to click Gene pulled out the quarter to ask what was wrong "They did not know the the boy explained "I changed them and forgot to tell them" Pro Net Tour Losing Money NEW YORK Jan Alexis Thompson the Yale grad who celebrated 1941 by dropping $50000 on the Philadelphia Eagle football team is off to a flying start in 1942 and if the public con tinues to ignore his new profes sional tennis troupe the chances are bright that he will succeed in dou bling his losses within the year To date the Thompson tour has encountered more setbacks than the Italians navy red injured a nerve in his right arm and was out of action five days" A siege of aero weather killed the gate receipts four Pros Seek Vines SAN RANCISCO Jan 21 (AO Professional tennis is bidding for Ellsworth Vines to give up amateur golf and return to the courts The retired pro champion disclosed today he was consider ing an offer to Join the barn storming troupe which Includes Don Budge red Perry Bobby Riggs and Lester Stoefen nlghta5in a row a short time later Now rank Kovacs the big attraction has twisted a ligament The towering Californian will be out for two to three weeks until his arm mends and he certainly is no asset sitting in the stands Thomp son recruited Gene Mako from the old soldiers' home to bat for Perry and has revived Les Stoeffen to sub for Kovacs These mishaps annoying and costly as tjiey seem still don't ap proximate another worry with which Thompson currently is cop ing That is the public's steady re fusal to accept the enterprise as the completely sporting contest It is John Doe is remaining skeptical and at home Mr Average an firmly believes the venture is nicely fixed Conquered the Crippier Oilers Buy Coffman rom Los Angeles Nine 1942 Ropers Spill Cats Webster' Tips Sapulpa 36 13 Chamaco and Hoppe in Tie Starting today Conch nt Bnrllevllle 0 Maxwell it 3 1 Braves Trounce 16 7 Tofals Challedon in Okmulgee 36 16 of Inc Minor Leagues Tools Ave OuL! Consider Schmidt for Job School Plans names have in ood ot'No Extra Cott! C3 41 0 0 hih man for eight polnLs collected sb: and field Recess 3 0 0 2 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 I 2 2 said chainhan of 3 0 4 0 Hill Booth Peer la 0 2 2 3 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 A 3 230 15th 0 0 1 0 ir a 0 0 3 Won 5 3 3 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Christy Walsh sport promotion manager and founder of the Christy Walsh newspaper syndicate was a visitor on the University of Tulsa campus today Walsh stopped at to look over Hurricane foot ball players for the Cleveland Ram professional eleven Ten Webstar Muskogee Central Rogers Bartlesville Sapulpa Okmulfee state ap DURHAM Jan President Bramham of the National association ruled today that a minor baseball league could not recess for a period but would be considered disbanded if it did not qualify tor the 1942 season and its players declared free agents His action was taken when the lorida State league a class cir cuit operating since 1936 advised him that the league had "recessed" by unanimous decision of the direc tors until such time it was deemed advisable to resume In a telegram to Peter Schaal secretary of the lorida loop Bram ham said the circuit would be con sidered disbanded and that it would be necessary to declare all players free Green: Slaton Arnold: ord: WHehtc Harvey Horner Kyleg lebowg Howeg succeeded him when Conzelman was dismissed two years ago Under Loebs the Bears have won seven games and last 11 Tho faculty athletic board now 1 working on the selection of a new coach and the details of the new athletic program which will in clude expansion of physical training in this sea tournament Bill Robin Briley Don Don Whit Cancel Tourney Diractors of the Southern Golf association have voted to cancel the 1942 southern amateur tournament because of the war It had been scheduled for June In Louisville Ky They tell about a Negro draftee who gave as hi: name MacArthur the "Haven't you got another the officer asked him "No said the registrant "Ah figures dat one will do for the duration" Distributed by United egtureg Svn defending team Hndr I'ltrrel Stites 4 7 Totals for the faculty i been mcn The Oklahoma Natural Gas eagers who ran rough shod over all Industrial league opposition during the first three weeks of the season will have an opportunity to climb from third place to second in the loop standings when they meet the Delta DeMolay five at 9:00 at Central High School tonight In the last meeting of the two clubs the Gassers eked out a 24 to 23 extra period decision A City league double header will round out the three game pro gram scheduled for Central high school as Seven Up plays Mid Con tinent and the Police five tangles with Coca Cola Games originally scheduled for the Univer sity tonight have been postponed East Side Christian hung the first defeat of the season on irst Presbyterian 20 to 15 in last night's feature White Church loop game at the university East Side piled up a 10 2 lead in the first quarter and held on for the victory Yale Avenue Presbyterian held its grip on second place in the White loop by defeating the chal lenging St Paul Whites 28 to 25 In the other tilt Catholic Activity con tinued its climb in tho Red Church league by defeating wheeling nue Christian 27 to 15 01 Knwlrtf I UiHlftUre I lura SiHoii ntirv Hfthtly (30 rt 2 0 0 0 0 fl pf 3 4 Challedon and Pictor his best year in 1941 arc won Central Playera OLatUmore: is Carrensf 0 Kroll: 00 Carren: 0 inlay: 0 Bobbin 3 Northcutt 0 Roberts Robinson Si Totals OKLUIOMA SIX STANDINGS Lost 1 9 3 3 3 3 ComLskey Improved NEW YORK Jan The cast has been removed from boxing heavyweight Pat Comiskey's thigh broken in an automobile accident early in the winter He still is walk ing with crutches verslty came here in 1937 as an Rose bowl team assistant to Jimmy Conzelman and' Everhardt chairir CHICAGO Jan Taka it from Joe Chamaco of Mexico City the good neighbor policy can be ap plied to the billiards as well as the political front Ask Willie Hoppe or better tll see the world thrce cushion billiards tournament standings There Hoppe the champion andClinmnco have hern first place' neighlxMs since the tournament be gun Hoppe bidding for his thirdstraight crown has been unable to shake the Mexican' expert in six games Hoppe won his fifth match th six starts last night by defeating Ralph Greenleaf the jxx krt billiards champ 50 to 31 in 49 innings Later Chamnco strode to the table and dis posed of Jake Schaeffer of Cleve land 50 to 34 in 45 innings Tonight they again will appear on the night program with Hoppe seeking to duplicate )h (cr Schaefer while the Mcxl an on Doses Welker Cochran Cochran was forced to quit bfs match with Otto Rrfarll yesterday because of a stomach ailment but hoted to be ready to lake his turn again tonight Cochran had gone 39 inning against Reisell yesterday and wtu trailing 34 to 17 when he announced he cnnld not continue and would forfeit the match Relselt however declared the default and said the match could be continued from that point at a later date Cochran hu been beaten only once to date In yesterday's other match Earle Lookabaugh broke a 47 to 47 tie with a run of three in the 47th inning to defeat Art Thurnblad 50 to 47 A snow white tablecloth taste temptinq food flaw lessly prepared soft Paul Merchant Leads Warriors Comeback Prep Defends Title Central high squad bosket ballrrs will open defense of their class A championship of the an nual Tahlequah tournament spon sored by Northeastern State col lege rldav afternoon against St Joseph's of Muskogee Players on the squad which 1 unnereateci in six games son competing in the will be Gerald Carrens son Dale Morrow Jim Turner Henrv Hughes lock and Gene Sumner or Burt Lewis Coach Charles Nussbaum will make his final appearance on the Brave bench before returning to teaching Other teams In the class Aevent besides Central and St Jo seph are Pryor Tahlequah Bagley high of Tahlequah Stigler Dewey and Wagoner ans will have no opportunity to see the 1942 edition ot the Oilers until they move north out ot Dal las for their regular home opening In the meantime SUwart hinted that Henry Wye youthful righthanded hurling ace of the 1941 staff would probably do hl training with the Chicago Cub The Tulsa president denied any deal had yet been made with the Cub for the purchase of Wysc but hinted uch a del wm In the making Wyse is almost a cinch to either stay the entire campaign In Chicago or be farmed to a double A team by of the two defeats on the Web ster record Sapulpa proved no match for the speedy Warriors last night as Paul Merchant Earl perry Kenneth Aubrey sank five goals in the first period to give Webster a big lead that the Chief tains were never able to overcome Webster led 10 to 2 at the end of the first quarter 21 7 at the half and 32 9 at the end of the third period orward Merchant led the at tack with 12 points followed by Guard Ernie Wood with seven anti orward with six orward Billy Stowers and Guard Pur din collected over half of Sapulpa's 13 points with twobasket apiece H'tMtrr Mdchftntf f'onkT Perry Crpwf'C MdKnlfhtt Aubrey Woodi Seven years ago Nancy Merlci came home from school in Port land Oregon suffering from infantile paralysis Today Miss Merki completely cured holds 28 swimming records and has been voted No I girl swimmer by the National AAU She is a happy healthy example of what can be done about infantile paralysis She grate fully gives credit in her winning fight to the work of the National oundation for Infantile Paralysis and the committee for the cele bration of the President's birthday which raises the funds for Amer ica's war against infantile paralysis Sapulpa if lUtrf 0 Walker HSnnpaonc 0IAunmu( 1 1 Mrl lounnllc Purdin Ojdnnliv Pitchinc nrbtcction for the Tulsa Oilers was purchased Tuesday night when Prexy Don Stewart an nounced that he had secured George Coffman righthanded hurler from the Los Angeles Pacific Coast League chib Coffman a veteran server had hurled for a number of years in the American league He was secured by Los An gele from the St Loul Browns where he completed his American League chores In 1940 The big righthander was a relief worker on the staff in working in 31 games He won two and lost a like number in that season JO 31 3fl 3 13 Wlbnn Pct 833600600600400300000 George Broad's fast stepping Daniel Web ster high school eagers will take a vacation from competition until next week after taking another hitch in thclf hold on the Oklahoma Six conference lead Inst night with a 36 to 13 victory over Sapulpa on the Webster court It was the fifth" victory In lx starts In loop play for the War riors and their eighth triumph In ten games this season They will now rest from their strenuous early season activity until next Tuesday when they will sctii re venge against Will Rogers for one MIAMI la Jan great thoroughbred Challedon Is preparing to campaign again to add to the $322225 he has won in four years of racing Standing by the roil at Hia leah park to watch the big bay goithrough a light early morning workout Brann announced smil ingly that Challedon I probably would run In the $50000 added Widener here March 7 and in at least one condition race before then racing future was uncertain as 1941 drew to a close Plagued by various ailments he failed to place in three starts dur ing the only year of his career in which he did not win at least $67000 Both which had Widener nominees Pictor $60025 last year for a three year total of $82335 GAMES Al Onlral Hlh Sr hoot 7 Beven Up vs: Ml Contlnrnt 8 Coca Col vs raternal Order Pnllrr Delta: DeMolay vs Oklahoma Nat ural Gat OkmuWee (16 layers ft ft pfi 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 0 Pro Golfers Prep for risco Open SAN RANCISCO 'Jan The long hitters will be in their element when the $5000 San rancisco open golf tournament opens at the California club to morrow for the normallyi6405 yard course has been lengthened by 300 yards Among these long drivers Is Byron Nelson of Toledo Ohlo who captured the $5000 Oakland open last Sunday In a practice round yesterday Nelson carded an easy two under par 70 a score equaled by Willie Goggin Ben Hogan Lloyd Mangrum Willard Harmon Ray Hill and Harold Sampson The best practice round of the i day as claimed by George Schneider ot Ogden Utah who hada 66 six under par Sam Snead of West Vir ginia came home in 674 i 3 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 Bears ire Coach Loebs con do magic for a logging appetite You pamper yourself when you dm at Th Mayo! LUNCHEON DINNER 50c to 85c 65c to $100 BOYD points and with 12 led the Ropers sew the game up until the final quarter Jim Bailey Keith owler and Leo Croley kept Bartlesville in the running all the way and after an even Hrst period the' Wildcats moved out in front of Rogers 1 5 at the start of the second period Bartlesville remained in (front 18 16 at the half but Rogers caught up in the third period and took the lead lor keeps Bob Graham was the Wildcats with owler and Croley apiece (36 fc pf 3 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Will Rogers champion basketball peared to be hitting its stride today after rolling over Bartlesville 36 to 29 In the Roper gym last night It was one of the best performances the east siders have put on since defeating Web ster early In the season and the victory gave Rog ers a tie for sec ond in the Okla homa Six confer ence race with Central: and Mus kogee orward Tom my Boyd with 15 Guard rank Pitezel Roger's to victory but Dine on a White Tablecloth! Stewart Sets Spring Tilts With Indians Big Icngue hockey a Hiring I player husky CanadiHit citizens of war age as popular with a great many Americans KV it used to be This is no longer JiLst sjxui popular in the northern latitudes system of collecting United States dollars and taking them back to Canada from which they come out The players get fancy wages they must receive them in American coin but rigorously rationed concern ing what they can spend of them this country When are we going to start? getting something from somebody for a change instead of everlastingly and forever put tin' out more? Whatever became of Max Schmeling and Tommy arr? I don't know about the Hanley brothers but Bernie Bierman told me at New Orleans that ths orders to report to Quantico and the marines were not directly for duty as such but for physical examina tion to see if he could still qualify for duty He said he thought he could pass and that he hoped he could but that he wasn't sure until after the examination that he be coaching Minnesota this fall Sport Program ST LOUIS Jan In a general enlargement of Its athletic program Washington university of the Missouri Valley conference an nounce today that rank (Butch) Loebs would not be retained as head football coach Loebs a star end at Purdue unl Last year with the Los Angeles With the Oilcfs slated to start nine he also worked relief assign (he regular campaign against Dallas ments appearing in 33 games He in the north Texas town they will was credited with one victory and not come into Tulsa before the loop mree aeieats lampiugo "We feel Coffman will be pro tectlon for us because he is not like ly to go to the army and he can help with' young Stewart said In announcing the transaction fellow of Coffman's experi ence is always handy to have around He knows the angles and should have a pretty good season down here where the heat limbers up a pitcher' arm and gives him new lease on his baseball Stewart in conference Tuesday evening with John Hofland jr president of the Oklahoma City club arranged to play the Tribe a series nf cpvprnl pamf? at Tvler tUSt be fore the Texas League season opens i the Bruins committee Three Honed rancis Schmidt formerly of Ohio State iand Tulsa universities and two St JLoula high school coaches Otto Rost and Clarence (Stub Muhl Loeb's contract expires at end of the present school term in intramurals and major and minor) June He said he had been asked varsity sports jt resign but refused and action to "Wo re not after a big name' drop him was taken atj a faculty coach or in the field to become ai board meeting last riday Central Gains Tie for in Loop Race Brave court men were in a three way tie for second place with Will Rogers and Muskogee in the Oklahoma Six con ference race today aa a result of their eaay 36 to 16 victory over Ok mulgee's Bulldogs on the Brave court last night ilandfeapped by a lack of height and tight defense Okmulgee was forced to do most of its shooting from midcourt as the Braves piled up a 9 3 edge in the first quarter a 16 7 margin at the half anq a 26 11 lead In the third quarter The one sided game did alford Coach Skillern an opportunity to use his reserves freely and sub for ward Jack Kroll shared scoring honors with the Braves' sky scrap per center John inley Each had seven points Guard Wallace Tips word with six and Guard Rob erts and orward Bill Allen with four were right behind Then later this pillar took the stump against the McCarran bllh No 1635 proposing a separate air force patterned after Britain's A The article explained in de tail where the A failed and would continue to fail in co ordina tion with the British army and navy in joint operations under the type of set up it uses The was copied all over the nation The army and navy photostated it and sent it out as their own convictions A few days the bill was killed in senate committee and we wgn't have any separate air There was one sour note In the recent louls Baer Navy Re lief society symphony It was raised by a Negro sports writer who handles the language very ably He undertook to criticize Ixiuls for lending his services to the navy upon the grounds that the navy discriminates against mem bers of his race It was not a popular attack even with hh own people These are no times for caiulsts There Is only one cause now licking the enemy get that one done and then we can get back to work upon domestic difficulties By BILL CUNNINGHAM This column is proud of its chevrons Last sum mer after watching a class conscious section of our surf society swooning around a suave hand kissing European fluttered in amongst it with much elegance meas ured damnation of Hitler plenty of money but a back ground that petered off into nebulous nothings I Ventured the opinion that here was BI bait of the first sparkling water He was amongst the first snatched by the Edgar Hoovers on Dec 8 and is now barned in at Ellis Island He only had the blueprints of our newest most secret and most powerful anti aircraft guns EVERYBODY BOWLS IT'S t'N AND UALT1IUL TOO OPEN ALLEY LNBMV ATKB NOON HUCKETT'S 18 AILZYS Cunningham Spotted a Spy Now in Clink 0 0 2 Benre Ly periods vvehMtrr Sap'Hp afnclAW thib Klsnrt I2L MAYO coffee shop isartieav ft prPlA'rm i 0 0 0 Crolevt I I ci Gassers Play Delta DeMolay Irk fcl i 1 WO ri COftL IirS 9 i i ill hi I I timid Hl 1 yW I Easy Victory MAYOg 6 6 Christy Walsh Visits Tiilsa.

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The Tulsa Tribune from Tulsa, Oklahoma (2024)


How many people were killed in the Tulsa massacre? ›

Although the official death toll was recorded at 10 whites and 26 African Americans, many experts now believe at least 300 people were killed.

How many homes were destroyed in the Tulsa race massacre? ›

According to a 2001 report by the Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, at least 1,256 homes were destroyed, alongside churches, schools, businesses, and hospitals.

What was the nickname for Tulsa in 1921? ›

Tulsa was, in some ways, not one city but two. Practically in the shadow of downtown, there sat a community that was no less remarkable than Tulsa itself. Some whites disparagingly referred to it as “Little Africa”, or worse, but it has become known in later years simply as Greenwood.

When did the Tulsa Tribune close? ›

Grandson Jenkin "Jenk" Jones, Jr., was serving as editor and publisher when the last issue of the Tulsa Tribune was published on September 30, 1992. Like other large city evening newspapers, the news organ's readership had declined, causing financial losses.

How many Tulsa massacre survivors are still alive? ›

Only two survivors of the massacre remain living today: Viola Ford Fletcher, known as Mother Fletcher, and Lessie Benningfield Randle are both 109. Fletcher's brother, Hughes Van Ellis, died at 102 in October. They have been fighting for not only recognition of what happened in 1921, but for reparations.

Who was the last survivor of the Tulsa Race Massacre? ›

Viola Fletcher, 110, and Lessie Benningfield Randle, 109, are the last known survivors of one of the single worst acts of violence against Black people in U.S. history.

Did anyone go to jail for the Tulsa massacre? ›

In the end, Garfield Thompson, a black man who was arrested during the Massacre for carrying a concealed weapon was sentenced to thirty days in the county jail. No one else served any jail time for crimes perpetrated during the Massacre as Tulsa city officials dropped all charges.

What happened to the bodies of the Tulsa massacre? ›

More than 120 graves were found during searches that began in 2020, with forensic analysis and DNA collected from about 30 sets of remains. Daniel's remains are the first from those graves to be linked directly to the massacre.

What was the largest race riot in the United States history? ›

One of the most severe incidents of racial violence in U.S. history, the massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma, began on May 31, 1921, and lasted for two days.

What was the black neighborhood of Tulsa called? ›

Before May 31, 1921, Tulsa's black business district known as Greenwood flourished in spite of segregation. It boasted of several restaurants, theaters, clothing shops and hotels. Dubbed the "Black Wall Street," Greenwood was an economic powerhouse.

Does Greenwood in Tulsa still exist? ›

Today, the Tulsa Greenwood District is one of the fastest-growing neighborhoods in T-Town. Explore the history of Greenwood at places like Greenwood Rising and John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park.

Why is Tulsa called Magic city? ›

In the 1920's, Tulsa Oklahoma was called the 'magic city' because of the things that were happening as a result of the oil boom. The Cushing Field was discovered at the beginning of the 1900's which saw the population explode from just over 7,000 in 1907 to over 72,000 in 1920.

What was the first TV station in Tulsa? ›

On November 30, 1949, Tulsa's KOTV channel 6 began broadcasting. Helen Alvarez was the driving force behind this station. WKY-TV and KOTV were on the low band of television known as VHF (very high frequency) channels 2 through 13. Early television sets were only equipped with these channels.

What was the Tulsa Tribune known for? ›

The Tribune was also known for its opposition to Oklahoma Governor Jack C. Walton, who in 1923 declared martial law as part of his efforts to investigate the Ku Klux Klan. Walton later placed a censor at the Tribune offices after it ran an advertisem*nt encouraging Klan members to resist his declaration.

Who owns the Tulsa World today? ›

It was purchased by BH Media Group in 2013, which is a Berkshire Hathaway Co. It was purchased by Lee Enterprises in 2020. The Tulsa World has been Tulsa's only daily newspaper since the afternoon daily, the Tulsa Tribune, closed in 1992. The World is the second-largest newspaper in Oklahoma.

How many bodies recovered from Tulsa massacre? ›

More than 120 graves were found during searches that began in 2020, with forensic analysis and DNA collected from about 30 sets of remains.

How many murders does Tulsa have per year? ›

Over the past five years, TPD reports show an average of roughly 70 homicides per year. Chief Franklin reports ending 2023 with 48 homicides, only two of which remain unsolved as of January 2, 2024. TPD homicide unit records show the first took place on July 30.


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.